Setting up Gupshup in uContact is a simple process, but first, you must verify that you have everything required to create a provider and campaign.


  • Account configured with access in Gupshup.

  • Create an App.

  • Login to uContact with a user with permission to create SMS campaigns and dialers.

  • Have a Public IP to redirect uContact traffic.

  • Enable NGINX.


1. Set up account

  • The uContact webhooks are also configured so that Gupshup sends the messages and statuses to the portal.



2. Create a provider on uContact

Log into uContact with a user with permissions to create SMS providers.

Then we go to Administrator → Providers → SMS

We select Gupshup from the list of providers and complete the fields:

  • Name
    To identify the provider

  • user
    Name of the App.

  • password
    Gupshup API Key.

  • sms from
    WhatsApp number without dots, or spaces, or signs.

  • Messages per second: Limit of messages that will be sent by this provider per second.


Messages per second If it is 0, it does not limit the number of messages that can be sent per second.

Messages per second If it is 0, it does not limit the number of messages that can be sent per second.

3. Create campaign

  • Select a Gupshup provider.

  • Put the name of the app in the port field.

Interactive button list

Deprecated. See new formats WhatsApp/SMS providers format - uContact v6 English - Confluence (

Tipo Buttons:

Everything shown in bold is required



image;https://<instance>;texto de la imagen;la caption

1-Opción 1

2-Opción 2

3-Opción 3

Interactive list

Deprecated. See new formats WhatsApp/SMS providers format - uContact v6 English - Confluence (

Example without title for options:


button: Text of button list

body: Some text

header: el header

title: Title list

1-Option 1 - descripcion 1

2-Option 2 - descripcion 2

3-Option 3 - descripcion 3

4-Option 4 - descripcion 4

footer:el footer

Example with title for options:


button: Text of button list

body: Some text

header: el header

title: Title of list

itemTitle: Title of options

1-Option 1 - descripcion 1

2-Option 2 - descripcion 2

itemTitle: Title of options

3-Option 3 - descripcion 3

4-Option 4 - descripcion 4

footer:el footer


Message templates can serve as a valuable tool to initiate conversations with users. Text-based templates can be accessed within the provider's configuration window and employed within the inbox alongside canned responses. In this process, it is essential to replace the placeholders with the specific values required as variables.

Synchronize: Clicking this button will fetch all the approved text-type templates associated with the account. Once the synchronization process is successful, campaign members can utilize these templates as canned responses.

Delete: This button is used to permanently remove all templates from the provider's in uContact.

Templates examples:

Deprecated. See new formats WhatsApp/SMS providers format - uContact v6 English - Confluence (






Deprecated. See new formats WhatsApp/SMS providers format - uContact v6 English - Confluence (



contact;John;John Smith;59898514179;CELL;;Cufre 1940;HOME


Deprecated. See new formats WhatsApp/SMS providers format - uContact v6 English - Confluence (



location;-34.92403016332158, -56.158280428772684;Shopping Punta Carretas;Montevideo, Uruguay


To receive the messages un uContact is necessary to add the following code snippet to your NGINX configuration.

location /Integra/resources/Gupshup{
     proxy_pass http://localhost:8085;
     proxy_set_header Host $host;
     proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;