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Table of Contents


With this tool, uContact users can receive and send


emails using the


Campaign Configuration

Allows the user to create Email Campaigns.

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Campaign Data

  • Name
    Campaign's name for identification purposes.
  • Service Level
    Is the calls percentage that were attended by the agent before a stipulated time.
  • Strategy

    platform, unifying and facilitating interactions.


    Table of Contents

    Email Management

    To manage the configuration of the email campaigns in uContact, it is necessary to have a user with administrator permissions in the system.

    Basic email settings

    Here you can create email campaigns.

    Campaign data

    • Name
      Name of the email campaign.

    • Service level
      It is the time in which the interactions that arrive at the campaign must be answered, if the waiting time is greater than that stipulated in the field, the level of service drops.

    • Strategy
      It is the behavior that the campaign will have.

    To know more about this, please visit StrategiesSchedule
    • For more information on the different strategies.

    • Schedules
      Schedule in which the campaign will be available, that is, with available agents

    • to handle

    • interactions.

    • To add a schedule configuration

    you must add it
    • is with the '+' button

    and a new window will appear to add the schedule.
    To delete a schedule, select it
    • or remove a selected one from the list

    and press
    • with the '-' button.

    • From name
      It is the name with which the email account assigned to the campaign is displayed when it reaches the recipient.

    Email Data

    • Account

    Email account that is going to receive the emails
    • It is the mail by which emails will be received.

    • Password

    • The password assigned to the account. If

    this one
    • it is

    • written

    the user
    • incorrectly, it will not be

    notified and
    • possible to create the

    campaign can not be created till the password of the account is right
    • new campaign, the user will be warned in case this happens.

    • Outbound SMTP
      Protocol for

    simple assigned email transference.
  • Inbound IMAP
    Protocol for accessing internet messages.
  • Port
    Designated port number
    • simple transfer of assigned mail. This is mandatory to send emails.

    • Inbound IMAP
      Internet message access protocol assigned. This is mandatory only if Receive Emails is active.

    • Port
      Port number assigned for each protocol.


    To finish the creation process, the user must click


    the "Save" button.

    titleParameters Details

    Advanced Settings

    These parameters already have a default value for the

    proper functioning

    correct operation of the campaign.


    see more about its function visit Important concepts - Omnichannel

    Maximum Interactions per Agent
    Limits the amount of active interactions the agent can get. The rest of the interactions wait in queue.

    The system can have a non working Email campaign, without the need of deleting it entirely and lose information. If

    learn more, go to Conceptos importantes - Omnicanal.


    Maximum interactions per agent
    The number of interactions of this campaign that the agent can have at the same time. It is only required for the nocall strategy.

    If it is checked, the campaign can be used.

    Receive Emails
    If enabled, emails

    from this

    sent to the configured email address will

    enter the system as an interaction

    be queued as an interaction to the portal. In addition, the IMAP and POP fields will be mandatory. If this checkbox is empty, the campaign will not require incoming ports and will not receive emails either, but it will be able to send.



    Within the Templates section, a

    new one

    signature template can be

    configured and used as a signature that will be

    created and assigned here. When an agent



    sends and email through the specific

    composes an email via this campaign, the assigned signature will


    be loaded automatically.

    Enable qualification
    When this


    check is active, it enables two more fields that

    will be

    are used to configure the


    qualification of



    email generated in the campaign


    Image Removed
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    • Motivation to qualify

    • This is the title of the

    • rating, an example could be '

    • Rate our service' and it will be

    • right above the rating icons.

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    • Image Added
    • Thanks for rating

    By clicking
    • Clicking on this field

    , we
    • will

    be shown
    • show us a modal to

    • compose a thank you message that

    will be shown to the client after qualifying.
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    Once we have everything configured and saved, when an email is sent through this campaign, the recipient will be able to qualify it.

    These metrics to campaign statistics in real
    • is shown to the customer after rating.

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    They are metrics to carry out the statistics of the campaigns in real-time, they are measured in time (seconds).

    For more information visit Thresholds - Omnichannel





    If this


    field is activated

    with the check box next to it, the campaign can have a Template adjudicated. This one will work the following way,

    , a Template can be assigned to the campaign. It will work as follows: when a client sends

    a mail

    an email entering through that campaign, the client will


    be answered with an automatic


    email containing the

    template adjudicated

    awarded Template, and


    the agent within the campaign will


    start the interaction.

    Maximum interactions in queue

    The number of maximum interactions in the queue.

    The user has three different options


    : TLS, SSL


    , and SMTP. 

    Example for
    • Gmail

    • settings example:
      Outbound SMTP                    

    •                          587
      Inbound IMAP                        


    When the three options are correctly configured, the status of this one will be green, on the contrary will be red, indicating that fields must be checked and corrected.
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    To end the process, the user must click on the "Save" button below.
    • 993

    • Outlook settings example:

    Outbound SMTP                     Ports           587
    Inbound IMAP       993

    Once the campaign is created,

    this one will appear in the list

    it will be displayed on the right side of the screen.


    This way, if the user

    selects a campaign from there, all its data will load in the section of

    selects it, the data of said campaign will be loaded in the fields of the section on the left,


    enabling the user

    can always

    to modify


    the campaign.

    Rw ui textbox macro
    Apart from that, the

    The campaign can be

    deleted by selecting it and clicking on the "Delete

    removed from the system when selected by clicking the "Remove" button.


    In order to

    To add or

    delete agents from a campaign

    remove agents to campaigns, the user must go to the Members


    section at the top left


    of the setup screen.




    1. In the Campaigns column, select one or more campaigns to which you want to add or remove members.

    1. We select one or more agents from the Agents column and press Add.

    2. In the Members column, we will see the agents added to the

    Rw ui textbox macro

    To see more about this screen go to Members - Omnichannell

    Rw ui textbox macro
    Members added to a campaign must be part of
    1. campaign.


    The members that are added to the campaign must be previously in a voice campaign,


    otherwise, the

    contrary, this agents wont get any interactions from this channel

    agents will not receive interactions of this type.


    Easily design your own






    this is

    these can be assigned to a specific campaign.

    titleCreate templates

    How to create a template?

    To create a new


    template, the user must specify


    the name


    in the

    top box

    upper field and the campaign

    assigned to this one on the bottom box

    in the lower one, which is optional by

    checking the box

    activating/deactivating the same with the checkbox next to it.

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    In case

    there is no campaign adjudicated to the template, this one

    the template is created without an assigned campaign, the template will appear for

    every campaign

    all the campaigns in the system.

    If the user wants to edit an already existing

    Template, first of all select this one

    template, they must select it from the table



    the template will appear ready to be modified.

    Email Dialer Configuration

    Configure your Email dialer campaign to send massive volumes of emails.

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    titleDialer Configuration
    Campaigns: Every Email campaign in the system will be listed here so it can be associated to the email dialer campaign

    it will deploy so that the user can modify it.

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    Email Dialer

    Allows sending emails in bulk.

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    How to create email dialers?

    To create a dialer, the user must fill in the next fields:

    • Campaigns: All email campaigns will be listed and one of them will be associated with the campaign to be configured.

    • Time between messages:

    • It will indicate the time, in seconds, that it takes to enter a new

    • interaction

    will enter
    • after

    • having finished one.

    • SchedulesSchedule a date

    in which it is desired that
    • on which you want the dialer

    • to work. As an example, you can

    • set the dialer to work from Monday to Friday from

    13hs to 18hs in which the dialer
    • 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., which will start dialing

    • if it is

    • within the established schedule.

    • Templates:


    • A template already created

    on the Email campaign section can be adjudicated to the email dialer campaign
    • will be awarded in the Templates section of Email campaigns.

    • Attach

    • schedule:


    • The user

    • will be able to attach an event

    • in the

    email. If the options gets checked, the following will unfold:

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    • mail. The following will be displayed to configure it:

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    • Title
      Name of the event. The event title can

    • also contain parameterizable variables

    as well, this ones must be detailed on
    • , the latter will be the variable detailed in the .csv

    • uploaded

    • for the

    • dialer.

    • Example: ${variableName}

      • Organizer

    : Who organized

      • Detail of who organizes the event. The name of the event organizer can

      • also contain parameterizable variables

    as well, this ones must be detailed on
      • , the latter will be the variable detailed in the .csv

      • uploaded

    to the Dialer. Ex.: ${variableName}Parametrizable Start Date: The initial date can be added as a varibale. Ex.
      • for the dialer. Example: ${variableName}

      • Parametrizable

    End Date: The end date can be added as a varibale. Ex.End Date: The user can pick
      • start date
        You can choose a start date using parameters. The latter will be the variable detailed in the .csv uploaded for the dialer. Example: ${variableName}

    Start Date: The user can pick an initial date using the calendar.

      • Parametrizable end date
        You can choose an end date using

    the calendar.

    Email Agent

    This is how the agent uses Email in the portal.

    titleStart email interactions
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    Next to this searching box, there is an icon where the user can easily start interactions.

    The following box will unfold:

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    And inside the Email option:

    The agent will have on his Inbox the Email with which she/he started an interaction.

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    This Email will unfold on the right side of this section, showing its history of conversation and the client's information:

      • Email Campaign's name
      • Client's Email
      • Client's name

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    When the user opens up the email, this one can be answered to the same user that sent it, or Forward it to as many other users as the person wants.

    titleSearch email interactions

    In section on the left, the user has an interaction searching box.

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    Can search by campaigns name, client's email, subject and client's name.

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    Rw ui textbox macro

    An email can be forward, by clicking on the arrow icon next to the answering box.

    • If the main mail has files attached to it, the forward email is going to have them automatically.


    Campaign Monitoring

    Here the statistics in real time are shown.

    titleOn screen information

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    Left down table

    • Icon
      Icon Agent Status. Along with the status icon you may appear: if the agent is in a phone call appears ; and if the agent is to break the break for that picture will appear.
    • Channel Status
      If the agent has an interaction opened, the logo of this one will appear in this column for SMS, Webchat, Email and Twitter.
      If the agent is attending more than one type of interaction, this one's will appear next to each other
    • Status
      Agent Status in real time. States can be Offline , Busy, Free, Free Busy in break and break (still break any available).
    • Agent
      Name agents members of the campaign.
    • Completed
      Number of Emails completed by agent incoming/outgoing.
    • Time
      Time of the last change agent status
    • Active
      Represents the interactions that the agent has active.

    Right down table

    • Email: Client's email address
    • On Hold: Client's waiting time.
    titleActions with agents

    When an agent has an active interaction, the supervisor can click on it an the following options will appear:

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    • Spy
      Supervisor can view in real time the messages exchanged between agent-client.
    • Screen monitoring
      Supervisor can view in real time the agent's screen.
    • Info
      Shows the agent information.
    • Pause
      Supervisor can pause the agent status.
    • Chat
      Supervisor can chat with the agent.
    • Log out agent
      Supervisor can log out the agent's account.


    In this section, the supervisor will see every Email chat interaction.

    titleSearch Recordings

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    Parameters for filtering

    • Start date
      Start Date Search Email recordings .
    • Final date
      End of recordings that we get from the search.
    • Email
      E-mail client we want to find . In this field you can put a part of the mail and the search will be the same.
    • Subject
      Inbound mail subject.
    • Campaign
      Select the campaigns Email available on the list.
    • Agent
      Select the agents who attended the Email.

    Email Viewer

    When the user clicks on one of the mails, the following opens up:

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    On the top right corner, the following button Image Removed, lets the user print the selected email.

    Dialers Monitoring

    Menu to supervise the state of the Email campaign services.


    Show all the active emails services, allowing supervise its activity and upload information.

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    titleParameters description

    Campaign: Allow to select a campaign to supervise.

    Name List: Name of the active list and its state:

    • Inactive
    • Active

    Status: Show the general state of the campaign based on the following states:

    • Inactive
    • Active

    In date : Show if the campaign is in date according the definition, with the following status:

    • Inactive
    • Active

    Processed: Amount of emails processed for campaigns.

    Not processed: Number of emails left in the campaign to process.

    Sent: Number of processed mails that where correctly sent.

    Failed: Number of processed mails that where not sent correctly.

    Seen: Number of processed mails that were opened by the recipient.

    Rejected: Number of rejected emails.

    Spam: Number of emails that when to spam, this ones are registrated on the Blacklist section.


    Section where the email dialer lists are administrated.

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    titleParameters description

    Subject: Subject that the mails will have.

    Upload List: A csv file can be uploaded as massive registry of contacts to sent the mails to.
    The csv file must have the following format:


    The parameter campaign must be the same as the email campaign's name associated to the dialer from where the emails are going to be sent. (Obligatory)

    The destination email must be a valid one, if not when the dialer try to send it to this address the action will fail. (Obligatory)

    message to send can be specified. If it is not specified in the list, then the template associated with the dialer will be sent, if there is one, otherwise it will be an empty message.

    On the attachments csv division, if the user want to add one, first of all the wanted file must be uploaded on the Attachments section. A text will appear and this one must be copied and pasted on the attachment csv division.

    The variables represent the generic fields in the associated template, when the mail is sent these variables will be those that are replaced by the values indicated in this parameter. The generic fields in the template should be indicated as follows ${name}, where name will be the name of the variable. The values of the variables must be separated with two points and must be written as follows: nameVariable1 = value: variableName2 = value.

    If the priority is not specified, this one by defect will be 9999.

    Attach File: The user must upload a file to attach, then a text will appear. This one must be copied and pasted on the .csv file uploaded as a list, parameter Attachments, as explained before.


    An example of the structure that the .csv file list must have, can be downloaded.

    • Play button to initiate the dialer
    • Stop button to stop it.

    When the dialer is initiated, a graphic will appear indicating the percentage of processed emails. When this one gets to 100%, all the emails on the registry were sent.

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      • parameters. The latter will be the variable detailed in the .csv uploaded for the dialer. Example: ${variableName}

      • Start date
        Using the calendar, a start date will be selected.

      • End date
        Using the calendar, an end date will be selected.

    Email lists

    Lists for email dialers are uploaded and managed on this screen.

    Image Added


    The subject with which the dialer mails will be sent is detailed.

    Upload list

    A .csv file can be uploaded as a massive contact record to send the desired email.


    The csv to upload must have the following format:


    For example:

    SupportIntegra;;This is a test message.;;"Var1":"value","Var2":"value";9999

    • The campaign parameter should match the name of the email dialer campaign for which the record will output. (Mandatory)

    • The recipient's mail must be valid, otherwise, when the dialer starts, it will not be sent and therefore it will be marked as failed. (Mandatory)

    • You can write the message you want to send. If it is not specified in the list, then the template associated with the dialer will be sent, if one exists, otherwise it will be an empty message.

    • In case you want to add attachments, you must first upload the attachment in the Attach file section of the screen. Once the file is uploaded, a text will appear that must be copied and pasted in this division of the CSV to upload.

    • The variables will represent the generic fields in the associated template. When the mail is sent, these variables will be the ones that will be replaced by the values ​​indicated in this parameter. The generic fields in the template must be indicated as follows: Hello ${name}, where name will be the name of the variable. The values ​​of the variables must be separated by a comma and must be written as follows: "nameVariable1":"value,"nameVariable2":"value".

    If the priority is not specified, it will default to 9999.


    A .csv file can be downloaded as an example of the structure to upload the lists.

    In the upper right corner, we will see a Play button to start the dialer and a Stop button to stop it.

    When the dialer starts, a graph will appear indicating the percentage of processed emails.
    When it reaches 100%, all existing emails in the registry will have been sent.

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    Email Supervision

    Monitoring of email campaigns

    Here you can see the statistics in real-time of the Email campaigns.

    Information on screen

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    Lower left table

    The table in the lower-left section shows:

    • Icon: Agent status icon. Along with the status, an icon may appear: in case the agent is on a call, a phone will appear; and if the agent is on break, the image corresponding to that break will appear.

    • Channel status: If the agent finds an active interaction, depending on the channel, its corresponding logo will appear: SMS, Webchat, Email, and Social Networks, among others. They can appear together if it is the case.

    • Status: Agent status in real-time. The status can be Disconnected, Busy, Free, Free on break, and Busy on break (break being any of the available ones).

    • Agent: Agent name.

    • Completed: The number of Emails completed by the outgoing and incoming agents.

    • Active: Indicates the interactions that the agent keeps active.

    • Time: Time since the agent's last status change.

    Lower right table

    The table in the lower right section shows the data of the email clients that are waiting:

    Email: Email with which the customer sent the interaction.

    On hold: Time the customer has been waiting to be answered.

    Actions with agents

    When clicking on an agent with active interaction, the following options will be displayed:

    • Spy
      The supervisor will be able to view in real-time the emails exchanged between the agent and the client.

    • Monitor screen
      Allows you to view the agent's screen in real-time. To see this button, the monitor screen option must be enabled in Configuration - Agents.

    • Info
      It displays a window with all the information about the agent.

    • Pause
      The supervisor will pause the agent's session, preventing the entry of interactions.

    • Chat with agent
      It gives us the possibility to send a message to an agent.

    • Log out agent
      The supervisor will be able to log out the agent from the portal. The agent must enter his username and password again to be able to enter and continue working.

    Email Recordings

    In this section, you can see all the email conversations.

    Recordings search

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    Filter parameters

    • Start date: Date from which you want to start the search for Email recordings.

    • End date: Date until which you want to obtain the Email recordings.

    • Email: Incoming Email address.

    • Subject: Subject of the incoming Email.

    • Campaign: Select Email campaigns from those available in the list.

    • Agent: Select the agents that answered the Email.

    Email recording viewer

    When the user clicks on one of the emails, it opens like this:

    Image Added

    In the upper right corner is the printer icon, with which the mail can be printed.

    Email Dialer Monitoring

    Menu to monitor the status of email services.


    Shows all active email services, allowing you to manage their activity and upload information.

    Image Added

    Allows you to select the campaign to monitor.

    List name
    Detail of the name of the list that is active and its status:

    • Inactive

    • Active

    It shows the general status of the campaign based on the following status:

    • Inactive

    • Active

    On schedule
    It shows if the campaign is on date according to the definition it has to be executed, with the following status:

    • Inactive

    • Active

    The number of emails processed by the campaign.

    Not processed
    The number of emails remaining to process in the campaign.

    The number of emails that were processed and sent correctly.

    The number of emails that were processed but were not sent correctly.

    The number of emails that were opened by the recipient.

    The number of emails that were rejected.

    The number of emails that entered spam, they are registered on the blacklist.

    Email Agent

    Find here how the Agent uses the Emails in the portal.

    Start interaction

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    With the icon next to the search section, the user can easily start interactions.

    Pressing it will display the following box.

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    The agent will have the email with which the interaction began in their interaction tray.

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    When opened, it is displayed on the right side of the screen, showing the history of interactions and customer information at the top such as:

    • Email campaign name

    • Client email

    • Client name

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    Mail answer

    When responding to an email we will have the same options as to when starting it, plus a button that will allow us to respond with the history of emails sent.

    Interaction search

    In the left section, the user is met with an interaction search part.

    You can search by campaign name, customer email, subject, and name.

    Image Added

    When the user receives an email, they can reply it by sending it to the same person or forward it to several others by clicking the icon with the arrow.

    • If the mail that the user wants to forward contains attachments, they are automatically attached to the mail to which they are forwarded.