Menu for managing the system configuration.
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Info |
Here you can find and edit the basic settings of the system. |
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Be careful, do not use incorrect values as this would lead to system instability. |
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Address: Portal address. Local Address: Portal address IP. User: Uses root user by default but other user could be defined. (AsteriskUser) Password: User password Operating System of the PBX (default: password is that you must install the operating system), changing here also changes automatically in the OS, not directly change the operating system because the system will fail. (AsterisUserPass) Recordings Backup Address: IP of the Recordings Backup server, this can be a storage server or any server that has the old recordings and has access via http, this means that there must be a web server (any), that can access the files of the recordings through their url. Example: http://IPBACKUPRECORDS/GUIDgrabacion.gsm should be able to access the recording. (BackupRecordsIP) Integra Server Address: IP of PBX server. (AsteriskIP) External IPP: Apps server IP. Asterisk SSH Port: Port to connect through SSH. (AsteriskSSHPort) Stun Server: Stun's server address, allows the NAT clients to configure calls to a VOIP provider located outside from their local network. |
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Email Providers: E-mail provider for system messages. Alerts Mail: Email address you want to report to in case of system issues. Allow pixel tracking: If this option is active the system can track emails on the dialers. SMS providers: SMSprovider for system messages. |
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Add dispositions to the list by writing it and then press on the ‘+' button. In order to delete a disposition from the list, first select it and then press on the '-’ button. |
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Enable Audit Log: If logs all system actions. |
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Log File: If checked, saved the log in a file. ELK Address: If checked the log can be visualized in Elastic Search, Log Stash and Kibana. Log Level: System log level (SEVERE, INFO, WARNING). |
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Breaks: Separated by ; lists the different states of breaks that may occur in the system. If the administrator wishes to add a new break, simply write the name of this one and click on the "+" button. This new break will be added to the list below and the platform users can now use it as a status. Show DTMF: Set whether the DTMF typed from the keyboard in the integrated Phone will be displayed or not, with 0 being not display the digits or 1 will show the digits. This functionality is primarily used for cases when passwords are entered. And do not want to show them on screen. (ShowDTMFAgent) Chat: By activating this option, agents will be able to initiate a chat interaction with the supervisors of the system and in the campaigns that are available. Allow chat between agents: Agents are allowed to chat with agents from their own campaigns. Show campaign's agents: Allow agents to see which other agents belong to the same campaign. Hide Agent Status: If this option is activated, agents won't be able to see other agents status. Hide SMS Agent: Agents won't be able to start SMS interactions. Edit Phonebook: If activates, supervisors and agents will be able to add or delete contacts on their Phonebook. On the contrary, only supervisor will be able to do it. Show campaigns status by agents: If deactivated, agents won't be able to see this icon , which represents the following. Enable hot keys: Allows agents to use Ctrl + M to mute / unmute the call Ring on speakers:
End Wrapup: When this option is activated the agents will have the possibility to cut their Wrapup time to connect more calls. Agent Volume: Controls the volume of some call sounds like hang up, answer and keyboard key press. Follow last agent: Indicates that the system will try to assign each interaction to the last agent who handled it, if they are available. If not, the behavior of the campaign's strategy will be respected. Historic interactions from all campaigns: Agents will be able to see the history of the interactions between campaigns. Feature available for SMS/WhatsApp and Messenger Show Only Transfer Campaigns: Agents will be able to see only the history of campaigns available for transfer. Configuration 'Show all campaigns in historical interaction' must be active. Hide client's number from agent: By enabling this option, the agent will not be able to see the client's number in incoming calls. Only the other agent's number will be displayed in calls between agents.
Agent Recording Emphasis: When this option is enabled, the agent's camera recording will be the primary focus in the video call recording. Small Recording Window Scale: Scale of the small recording window relative to the resolution set in "Screen Recording Resolution." For example, if set to 3, the resolution of the small window will be 1/3 of the "Screen Recording Resolution." Auto pause retries: Specifies the number of attempts after which the agent will be placed on pause if they do not answer calls. For example, if 2 attempts are configured, the agent will receive an initial call and up to 2 additional attempts before being automatically paused. If set to 0, the automatic pause feature is disabled by default. |
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License: License generated by Integra. |
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Reports Max Rows: For large generated reports, this ones will be line limited by the number configured here. Title: Site's name that will appear on the explorer's tab. Batch Downloaded Format: Format in which the recordings are downloaded into the disk. For example: YYYYMMDDHHmm-AGENT-SRC-DST The options are the following:
Fax Channels: It must specify the output channel used for sending faxes. (FaxOutboundChannel) Password Regular Expression: Regular expression to validate passwords in the system. There will be a default one already configured. Observations: should not be changed.
Report Max Days: Maximum number of reports scheduled to be sent per day. Dialers: In this section you can establish what kind of Dialers can be created in the system. By default they will all be selected, but just press the Ctrl key to select the desired ones and save to apply the change. New option for receiving messages for SMS/WhatsApp: If this option is not active, SMS/WhatsApp messages will not go through flows |
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Password expiration: After this amount of days, the user will be automatically asked to change their password. Failed login attempts: It is the amount of chances a user has to log into their account. After certain amount of tries, the account will get automatically disabled. Last used passwords: It remembers the last X amount of passwords used by the user, so that when they change it, they cannot use one of them. Disable inactive user: If the user is inactive after the number of days established in this field, the account will be disabled. |
Data sources
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Data source management menu. Data sources configuration to use in the system, either from call flows or reports. |
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DSN Name: Data source name is the one used from reports, and IVRs. Engine: Database engine data source. Description: Description of the DSN. Data Base: Name of the Database. Username: user to connect to the database. Password: to connect to the database. Server: IP where the database is located. Port: Port where the database listens (automatically suggested according to engine selected). Three sources of data on the system by default:
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Menu system management tasks. The tasks module allows automating certain types of tasks that you want to control recurrently in the call center, allowing critical report on the status of these via email or SMS. |
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Name: Name of the alert to create. Schedule: Frequency at which the alert is executed. For more details click on the next link: Schedule. Alert: Being able to be alert type email, SMS or notification for all campaign members Destination: Email address o cellphone number, depending on the type of alert that defined (SMS o mail). Enabled: If the alert is ON or OFF. Type: Alert type to define, having predefined as follows:
Parameter: Parameter name to take (default is right on the grid parameters are available and loaded by selecting the name of it). Value: Value of the parameter to control. Specific parameters for the different types of alerts: MySQLExec:
Automatic Report:
AgentAlert: This will notify the agent or all agents in the campaign if the Threshold is exceeded.
Info |
There is a hidden configuration called "DistributeOutOfHours" that can take two values:
Note |
Important: The "DistributeOutOfHours" setting only affects interactions that were already queued when the campaign ended its operational hours. It does not change the behavior of new interactions that arrive outside of business hours. |
Note: For changes in this configuration to take effect, the value must be updated in the database, and services must be restarted.