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This document clarifies how the integration of uContact with the Twilio API will work for the creation of WhatsApp campaigns.

Table of Contents

First steps

Twilio approval

First, we must register our number in Twilio.

This is necessary for your number to be enabled to send WhatsApp via uContact.

  • This step must be repeated for each number that you want to use as a provider.

There you will have to fill out a form with your data and wait for approval.

Approved number

After the number is approved, you will have to go to the TwilioWhatsapp settings.

Twilio settings

Upon entering this screen, you will see all the enabled numbers and a link to configure each one.

Clicking the link opens a pop-up to configure the URL of inbound Messages and Status.

The FROM field must be copied in its entirety, that is, the word WhatsApp together with the number.

"whatsapp:+13212040825" → this is what will be pasted into the DID field of the WhatsApp campaign.

To configure the URL, use the following links:

<instancename> is our uContact Cloud domain.

Data to access Twilio.

To configure Twilio as your provider, you will need access data such as number, username, and password.

How to get data to access Twilio?

Once inside Twilio, you must go to the gear icon at the top right of the screen, click and select 'Settings'.

Here, look for the 'LIVE Credentials' box, from which you will take the ACCOUN SID as your Username and the AUTH TOKEN as the Password.


In the first instance, you must configure TwilioWhatsapp as your SMS provider. To do this, you must go to Providers/SMS.

When entering the SMS providers screen, select the TwilioWhatsApp provider.


Here you require configuring your provider:

  • Name with which you will identify your provider.

  • Username is the ACCOUNT SID of the Live Credentials box in Twilio, found by clicking Settings (upper right corner of the screen, gear icon).

  • Password is the AUTH TOKEN of the Live Credentials box in Twilio, found by clicking Settings (upper right corner of the screen, gear icon).

  • SMS From will enter the mobile number that will be associated with Twilio.

  • SMS RegExp will be entered "." to ensure its operation.

  • Messages per second is the limit of messages that will be sent by this provider per second.

Messages per second If it is 0, it does not limit the number of messages that can be sent per second.

After completing the fields, click Save and everything will be configured for TwilioWhatsApp.

WhatsApp Twilio campaigns

Once the configuration of the provider is finished, you must go to Campaigns/SMS.

Basic settings

Here, we will create WhatsApp campaigns:

  • Name
    Name to identify the WhatsApp campaign.

  • Service level
    The service level is the percentage of the interactions that were answered/abandoned by the agent before/after a stipulated time limit.

  • DIDs — Ports
    Write all the content of the FROM field as indicated in the Approved Number section.

    • The DID is unique for each WhatsApp campaign, this field allows uContact to identify the campaign to which each interaction that arrives belongs.

  • SMS providers
    Select your provider previously created for WhatsApp.

  • Strategy
    It is the behavior that the campaign will have.

  • Schedule
    Hours in which the SMS campaign will be available, meaning, with agents available to attend customer SMS. To add a schedule configuration, it must be added with the '+' button and a new window will appear as shown in the following image, or delete a selected one from the list with the '-' button.

At the end of the creation, click the Save button and the WhatsApp campaign will be activated.


After saving your configuration, you will see your campaign on the chart on the right, where all the campaigns created in the system will be listed according to their security group.

Advanced settings

The advanced settings for WhatsApp campaigns are the same as for SMS campaigns.

¿How to add members?

To add or remove agents to campaigns, the user must go to the Members section in the upper left section of the screen.

  1. In the Campaigns column, you can select one or more campaigns from which you want to add or remove members.

  2. We select one or more agents from the Agents column and press Add.

  3. In the Members column, we will see the agents added to the campaign.


Take note!
The members that are added to the campaign must be previously in a voice campaign, otherwise, the agents will not receive interactions of this type.


To send templates we have two formats:

Code Block
Code Block


To receive the messages un uContact is necessary to add the following code snippet to your NGINX configuration.

Code Block
location /Integra/resources/TwilioWhatsapp{
     proxy_pass http://localhost:8085;
     proxy_set_header Host $host;
     proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;